Friday, August 28, 2009

Take Two – The Book Thief

To all Mad Libers,

Perhaps a book as long and, well, for lack of a better word, demanding as Anna Karenina was not a good way to try out a blog-based book club.

Who's up for a second take at this?

The Book Thief has been recommended as our next literary tackle. Who's game?

For this book, I'm proposing a more book club style format. What do you say, those of you who are interested, read the book, and be ready to post thoughts, questions, and/or opinions beginning October 1st?

For those of you just joining us here's the name of the game – as you read you might have questions, observations, exclamations, disturbances or various other thoughts and feelings about our books. This is simply a venue for expression and impression. Write what you'd like but be prepared as people may challenge your comments – just like any book club.

If this sounds like something you might enjoy, by all means you're welcome to join us. You can come and go as you please. If you would like to read one book but the next one doesn't appeal to you, no problem, join us as you see fit.

Please invite anyone you think will be interested. If they'd like to participate by actually blogging, please send me their email addresses and I will set up permissions. If they or you would simply like to leave comments, it can done without any assistance.

Happy reading!

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